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    文名稱 :(Urine CartiLaps® ELISA)

    生產廠商 :艾狄斯


    本產品僅供科研使用 。尿中II型膠原C端肽酶聯免疫吸附分析試劑盒(UrineCartiLaps® ELISA)檢測人尿中II型膠原C端肽(CTXII)降解產物 。

    IDS公司對將試劑用於除上麵指定用途以外的任何其他用途的後果不予負責 ,對未按照本手冊所示方法而錯誤使用本試劑不予負責 ;此外 ,對由使用者或第三方根據尿中II型膠原C端肽酶聯免疫吸附分析試劑盒的結果所做診斷或結論 ,以及其解釋所導致的任何後果不予負責 。


    軟骨結構完整性的損傷是骨關節炎和類風濕關節炎的主要組織學表現 。II型膠原蛋白是軟骨的主要有機成分 。軟骨降解後 ,II型膠原蛋白的片段(CTX-II)釋放進入循環係統 ,隨後 排入尿中 。尿中的CTX-II片段可由尿中II型膠原C端肽酶聯免疫吸附分析試劑盒定量檢測 。

    據報道 ,尿中II型膠原C端肽酶聯免疫吸附分析有利於預測骨關節炎的發展(Reijman 2003, Garnero 2003) 及其它臨床和臨床前研究(見參考文獻) 。


        建議取第二次晨尿樣本 ,也可使用任何時間點的尿樣 。尿樣在4°C24小時內穩定 ,長期儲存應冷凍存放(<-18°C) 。尿 樣至少在10 次凍融周期內保持穩定 。使用前尿樣應震蕩並沉澱至少30分鍾 。


    1. Ceunick F De, Sabatini M, Renoux V, Nanteuil G de, Pastoureau P. Urinary collagen type II C-telopeptide fragments are sensitive markers of matrix metallo-proteinase dependent cartilage degradation in rat adjuvant induced arthritis. J Rheumatol (2003); 30: 1561-1564.
    2. Christgau S, Tankó LB, Cloos PAC, Mouritzen U, Christiansen C, Delaissé J-M, Høegh-Andersen P. Suppression of Elevated Cartilage Turnover in Postmenopausal Women and in Ovariectomized Rats by Estrogen and a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM). Submitted.
    3. Christgau S, Henrotin Y, Henriksen DB, Rovati LC, Collette J, Bruyere O, Deroisy R, Christiansen C, Reginster JY. Cartilage Degradation In Glucosamine Sulphate Treated Knee Osteoarthritis Patients With Elevated Levels Of Urinary Collagen Type II Ctelopeptide Fragments. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2004 Jan-Feb;22(1):36-42
    4. Christgau S, Garnero P, Fledelius C, Moniz C, Rosenquist C, Ensig M, Gineyts E, Christiansen C, Qvist P. Collagen type II degradation products in urine as an index of cartilage degradation. Bone (2001); 29: 209-215.
    5. Forsblad d’Elia H, Christgau S, Mattsson L-Å, Saxne T, Ohlsson C, Nordborg E, Carlsten H. Hormone replacement therapy decreases markers of cartilage and bone metabolism in rheumatoid arthritis. Submitted.
    6. Garnero P, Mazières B, Gueguen A, Abbal M, Berdah L, Freiburghaus C, Lequesne M, Nguyen M, Salles J-P, Vignon E, Dougados M. Association of 10 molecular markers of bone, cartilage and synovium with disease activity and joint damage in hip osteoarthritis patients: the ECHODIAH cohort. ACR 2003.
    7. Garnero P, Landewé R, Boers M, Verhoeven A, Linden S van der, Christgau S, Heijde D van der, Boonen A, Geusens P. Association of baseline levels of markers of bone and cartilage degradation with long-term progression of joint damage in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis: the COBRA Study. Arthritis & Rheum (2002); 46:2847-2856.
    8. Garnero P, Ayral X, Rousseau J-C, Christgau S, Sandell L, Delmas PD, Dougados M. Uncoupling of type II collagen synthesis and degradation predicts progression of joint damage in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Arthritis & Rheum (2002); 46:2613-2624.
    9. Garnero P, Gineyts E, Christgau S, Finck B, Delmas PD. Association of baseline levels of urinary glucosyl-galactosyl pyridinoline and type II collagen C-telopeptide with progression of joint destruction in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis & Rheum (2002); 46: 21-30.
    10. Garnero P, Christgau S, Delmas PD. The bisphosphonate Zoledronate decreases type II collagen breakdown in patients with Paget’s disease of bone. Bone (2001); 28: 461-464.
    11. Garnero P, Piperno M, Gineyts E, Christgau S, Delmas PD, Vignon E. Cross sectional evalsuation of biochemical markers of bone, cartilage, and synovial tissue metabolism in patients with knee osteoarthritis: relations with disease activity and joint damage. Ann Rheum Dis. (2001); 60: 619-26.
    12. Høegh-Andersen P, Tankó LB, Andersen T, Vingsbo C, Heegaard A-M, Delaissé J-M, Christgau S. Ovariectomized Rats as a Model of Postmenopausal Osteoarthritis. Validation and Application. Annals of Rheum Dis. (2004); 6(2): R169-80
    13. Jensen T, Hansen M, Stoltenberg M, Christgau S, Florescu A, Sommarin Y, Lorenzen I. Biochemical markers of connective tissue metabolism in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Relationship to disease activity, radiographic outcome and bone mineral density. Submitted.
    14. Jung M, Christgau S, Lukoschek M, Henriksen DB, Richter W. Elevated urinary concentration of collagen type II C-telopeptide fragments in patients with osteoarthritis. Pathobiology. (2004); 71(2): 70-6
    15. Lehmann HJ, Mouritzen U, Christgau S, Cloos PAC, Christiansen C. The effects of bisphosphonates on CartiLaps: A new marker for cartilage degradation. Annals of Rheumatic Diseases (2002); 61:530-533.
    16. Mazières B, Garnero P, Gueguen A, Abbal M, Berdah L, Freiburghaus C, Lequesne M, Nguyen M, Salles J-P, Vignon E, Dougados M. Molecular markers of cartilage breakdown and synovitis are strong independent predictors of structural progression of hip osteoarthritis (OA). the ECHODIAH cohort. ACR 2003.
    17. Mouritzen U, Christgau S, Lehmann HJ, Tankó LB, Christiansen C. CartiLaps: A novel marker of Cartilage Degradation. The influence of age, gender, menopause, hormone replacement therapy and bone mass index. Annals Rheum Dis. (2003); 62: 332-336.
    18. Roy-Beaudry M, Martel-Pelletier J, Pelletier J-P, M’Barek KN, Christgau S, Shipkolye F, Moldovan F. Entothelin-1 promotes osteoarthritic cartilage degradation via mmp-1 and mmp-13 induction. Arthritis & Rheum (2003); 48:2855-2864.
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