。這些片層以5 mm直徑的牙質薄片形式提供(正常厚度為0.3 mm)
。它已被廣泛用於研究通過直接分離於骨或培養自骨髓培養基的人破骨細胞重吸收 (4)
1. Boyde A, Ali N N and Jones S J (1984) Resorption of dentine by isolated osteoclasts in vitro. Br. Dent. J. 156:216-220.
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4. Walsh C A, Carron J A and Gallagher J A (1996) The isolation of osteoclasts from human giant cell tumours and long-term marrow cultures. In 'Human Cell Culture Protocols' Ed. G.E. Jones, Humana Press Inc. pp 233-262.
5. Arnett T R and Dempster D W (1987) A comparative study of disaggregated chick and rat osteoclasts in vitro: Effects of calcitonin and prostaglandins. Endocrinology 120:602-608.
6. Sato M and Grasser W (1990) Effects of bisphosphonates on isolated rat osteoclasts as examined by reflected light microscopy. J. Bone Miner. Res. 5:31-40.
7. Boyde A (1991) Pitfalls in pit measurement. Calcif. Tissue Int. 49:65-70.
8. Tamura T, Takahashi N, Akatsu T, Sasaki T, Udagawa N, Tanaka S and Suda T (1993) New resorption assay with mouse osteoclast-like multinucleated cells formed in vitro. J. Bone Miner. Res. 8:953-960.
9. Itonaga I, Sabokbar A, Neale S D, and Athanasou N A (1999) 1, 25 Dihydroxyvitamin D3 and prostaglandin E3 act directly on circulating human osteoclast precursors. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 264:590-595.